国外博士后 - Environmental Engineering Post-Doc position in North Carolina State University

时间:2011-09-17  阅读:    我要评论:

国外博士后 - Environmental Engineering Post-Doc position in North Carolina State University

There is an immediate opening for a post-doctoral research associate to assist with the management of several projects related to the anaerobic decomposition of waste in landfills. Projects include the anaerobic biodegradation of wood under simulated landfill conditions, the behavior of fluorochemicals in simulated landfill systems, and improved analytical methods for measurement of the transformation of lignocellulosic materials. The applicant should have a strong background in environmental chemistry and microbiology as well as experience with chemical instrumentation. The successful candidate will be involved in the supervision of graduate students, as well as the preparation of manuscripts, reports and proposals. Interested candidates should apply at https://jobs.ncsu.edu by searching for post-doc positions in the Department of Civil, Construction, & Environmental Engineering (Vacancy # 101652). Applications must be posted through the web site and may be addressed to

Dr. Morton Barlaz, Head
Dept. of Civil, Construction, & Environmental Engineering
North Carolina State University


AA/EOE. Women and members of other underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. In addition, NC State University welcomes all persons without regard to sexual orientation. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations during the process should call 919-515-3148. We welcome the opportunity to work with candidates to identify suitable employment opportunities for spouses or partners.


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关键词:国外博士后,Environmental Engineering,Post-Doc,North Carolina State University

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