Postdoc in Environmental Radiochemistry in Clemson University

时间:2013-07-19  阅读:    我要评论:


 Postdoc in Environmental Radiochemistry in Clemson University
Job Rank: 
Postdoc (Research Associate)
Job Institution: 
Clemson University
Job Description: 

Research Associate Position in Environmental Radiochemistry

Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Clemson University

 The Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences invites applications for a research associate position in environmental radiochemistry. Candidates must hold a PhD in radiochemistry, environmental chemistry, geochemistry, environmental engineering and science or a closely related discipline.

 The successful candidate is expected to perform laboratory experiments to support a Department of Energy funded research project. The objective of this research is to examine mechanisms and thermodynamics of actinide sorption to natural and engineered solids such as iron oxide minerals, clays, and graphene oxide. Batch sorption studies will be performed across a wide range of ionic strengths, temperatures, and pH values. These studies will be coupled with a suite of macroscopic and microscopic techniques including isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and/or x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The batch data along with data from TEM, ITC, XAS, and FTIR studies will be quantified using interfacial reaction models. Experiments will be performed to understand the influence of oxidation state on actinide sorption to engineered materials at elevated temperatures and ionic strengths to evaluate geochemical behavior of the actinides under expected geologic repository conditions. Experience safely working with radioactive materials is required. Experience with sorption modeling, ITC, TEM, FTIR, and/or XAS is preferred.

 Applications received by July 1, 2013 are guaranteed full consideration; however, applications will continue to be received until the position is filled. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, e﹎ail addresses and phone numbers of at least three references, and a statement of research interests. Electronic submissions to are preferred, but applications may also be mailed to Dr. Brian A. Powell, Box 340919, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634�919.

 Clemson University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and does not discriminate against any individual or group of individuals on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status or genetic information.


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Postdoc in Environmental Radiochemistry in Clemson University
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关键词:Postdoc,Environmental Radiochemistry,Clemson University

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来源:环境人  作者:Environmnetor  (环境人 Environmentor.Cn


