Taylor & Francis出版集团4月份提供免费文献

时间:2013-04-02  阅读:    我要评论:


Taylor & Francis出版集团4月份提供免费文献


Taylor & Francis出版集团4月份推出Free Access April活动,可获得部分杂志免费文献,请看以下介绍。

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This April, for one month only, Taylor & Francis is delighted to offer you free online access to over 300 of our world-leading journals in:

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Remember to let your colleagues know about 'Free Access April' so that they can enjoy our research too. But be quick, as this offer ends on 30th April 2013.



免费账号 - 免费大学图书馆文献IE代理(2015-10-26)
免费账号 - 免费大学图书馆文献IE代理(2015-05-18)
免费账号 - 免费大学图书馆文献IE代理(2015-04-14)
免费账号 - 免费大学图书馆文献IE代理(2015-03-16)
关键词:Taylor & Franci,s出版集团,免费文献

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