国际会议 - 1st Biotechnology World Congress (1st BWC 2012)

时间:2011-05-26  阅读:    我要评论:


国际会议 - 1st Biotechnology World Congress  (1st BWC 2012)




It is our great pleasure to announce the "1st Biotechnology World Congress" (1st BWC 2012) to be held in Dubai, UAE, from February 14th-15th, 2012. The 1st BWC 2012 will highlight cutting-edge advances in all major disciplines of Biotechnology. This two-day event will feature recent findings from leading industrial, clinical and academic experts in the field, in the form of lectures and posters. The 1st BWC 2012 will be unique in promoting the translational nature of modern biotechnological research, with emphasis on both the basic science in industry and academia as well as its practical and clinical  applications. Presentations would focus on business development, strategic alliances, partnering trends, product opportunities, growth business models and strategies, licensing and pharmaceutical biotechnology, vaccines, CNS, cancer, antibodies, protein engineering, plant and environmental technologies, transgenic plant and crops, bioremediation, microbial diversity research.

A number of Nobel Laureates will deliver keynote lectures at the conference. The conference plans to bring together leading biotechnologists to discuss and present the latest important developments in biotechnology and allied disciplines. The 1st BWC 2012 will also provide a forum for in-depth assessment of the challenges involved in the dynamic and fast moving fields of biotechnology.

The details of the conference can be viewed at http://eureka-mkt03.com/conference/bwc

This is an incredible opportunity to showcase your basic research, findings and practices in the various thematic sessions stated below.

The conference offers the following sessions in biotechnology:

1. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: biopharmaceuticals discovery (CNS, cancer, cardiovascular, endocrine, immune); vaccines; antibodies; protein engineering

2. Plant and Environmental: transgenic plants and crops; bioremediation; microbial diversity; bio-monitoring.
3. Industrial and Manufacturing: bio-fuels; energy crops (cellulosic ethanol industry); industrial enzymes; bioprocess engineering and optimization.

4. Medical Biotechnology: stem cells; gene therapy; tissue engineering; biopharmaceutical manufacturing; cell based therapy; cell cultivation; diagnostics; imaging; pharmacogenomics (personalized medicine); microarray technology; biomarkers.

5. Business development: strategic alliances; partnering trends; product opportunities; growth; business models and strategies; licensing; merger and acquisitions; outsourcing; venture capital and financing; intellectual property.

6. Other areas: Food; Marine; Bio-safety; Systems Biology, Clinical Research/clinical trials; bioethics; nanobiotechnology.

Abstracts for consideration as Invited or Session Lectures, and Poster Presentations can be submitted at http://eureka-mkt03.com/conference/bwc Alternatively, a maximum one-page length abstract written in English can be submitted to us by e-mail at  info@bwc1-04.com All submitted abstracts received will be reviewed on the basis of scientific merit, novelty and practical application. Due to the limited slots available, only the best abstracts will be selected. The abstracts of the conference and a selection of the proceedings will be published in a high Impact Factor journal by an international publisher. We suggest that all interested participants register and book their hotel in Dubai as early as possible

Please join us in sunny Dubai for both work and enjoyment in February 2012 to explore a plethora of information on current research in biotechnology and to network with fellow academics and industrial researchers.


Discover Dubai & Biotechnology! Registration to the conference also includes:
 1. An introductory social mixer

 2. A gala dinner
 3. Lunches during the conference

 4. Daily refreshments
 5. Visit to shopping centres
 6. Special tours for accompanying persons (for paid accompanying persons and their partners only)

All above social activities will be offered free of charge to the participants of The Biotechnology World Congress.

Sponsorship and exhibition opportunities are also available, for details please contact info@bwc1-04.com


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关键词:国际会议,1st Biotechnology World Congress,1st BWC 2012)

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