World Water Congress - Busan, Korea

时间:2011-10-04  阅读:    我要评论:

World Water Congress - Busan, Korea

International Water Association: IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition
The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition is a high-profile event that attracts 5,000 water professionals, companies and institutions from across the globe. It is a biennial event organised by the International Water Association (IWA) that has been held in previous years in the cities of Montreal, Vienna, Beijing, Marrakech, Melbourne, Berlin and Paris. In 2012 the event will be held in Busan, Korea, a thriving coastal metropolis that is home to 3.6 million people and a city that is becoming one of Asia’s top convention cities thanks to its superb beaches and world-class hotels.

The event is a valuable and unique opportunity for the community of world-leading water professionals to meet, exchange ideas, explore the state of the art and debate the key issues underlying the science and practice of water. It is also where the entire water community congregates once every two years and where IWA specialist groups showcase their work and plan for future activities.

Presentations at the congress relate to all aspects of the water cycle and are organised around these key themes:

Science and application of water treatment and management
Water, climate and energy
Cities of the future
Managing utilities and their assets
Securing new and traditional water resources for the future.
Water, ecosystems and catchments
Water and health – microbiological and chemical
As well as these traditional subjects, there is a strong focus on water in the developing world and a special program for young water professionals (YWPs).

The congress proceedings are supported by a world-leading exhibition of 200 water and sanitation products and services providers and a number of national pavilions.

There is also a full programme of business networking and social events and tours. The highlight is the gala dinner, which is normally attended by 2,000 people.

Proposals are sought that reflect global best practice, fundamental science, innovative research, policy developments and solutions to challenges faced by water professionals worldwide under the themes set out below. Presentations that engage with the dynamics of the water sector and its interfaces, including urbanisation, food and agriculture, and climate change and energy, are encouraged. In line with IWA’s increasing focus on issues in low- and middle-income economies, papers reflecting challenges and innovations that address needs in developing countries are welcomed and encouraged.

Science and application of water treatment and management
Exploring advances in fundamental science, research and technology related to urban drainage and the management and treatment of water, wastewater and stormwater.

Water, climate, food and energy
New research and practice on all aspects of water science, technology, management and innovation in response to climate change and the interrelations between water, climate, food and energy.

Cities of the future
Creating the capacity to accommodate the growing water-related needs of cities in the context of fixed or diminished resources and competition for water between food, cities, energy and industry.

Managing utilities and their assets
State-of-the-art techniques, technologies and management approaches to help water and wastewater utilities in developing and developed countries enhance the stewardship of their infrastructure, improve performance and respond to current and future challenges.

Securing new and traditional water resources for
the future
Understanding technologies and practices behind the acquisition and development of diverse water resources – for example, surface water, groundwater, desalination, reuse and water conservation – and strategies for offsetting risks and challenges typically associated with a single resource option.

Water, ecosystems and catchments
Managing and using surface water and groundwater resources to enhance ecosystem health and monitoring, managing and responding to micropollutants in the aquatic environment.

Water and health – microbiological and chemical
Health implications and control of waterborne microorganisms and chemical substances in developing and developed countries worldwide including microbial toxins, chemical quality, the aesthetic qualities of water and the nature of ‘safe’ water.



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关键词:World Water Congress,Busan, Korea,IWA

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