4th International Microbial Fuel Cell Conference

时间:2013-01-07  阅读:    我要评论:


4th International Microbial Fuel Cell Conference


This is the 4th International Conference on Microbial Fuels Cells after successful events organised by Pennsylvania State University (USA), Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (Korea), and Wageningen University/WETSUS (The Netherlands). This is also the first in the series to be supported and co-organised by the newly formed International Society for Microbial Electrochemical Technologies.

MFC4 will be organised by The University of Queensland and held in the tropical city of Cairns in the far north of Queensland, Australia. Cairns lies in the heart of the Asia Pacific region and is fringed by the Great Barrier Reef and World Heritage Rainforest. An International Airport and multi-cultural city makes Cairns the perfect destination for International visitors.

The field that the MFC4 conference covers is now quite expansive and includes all microbial electrochemical technologies (METs). In an era of climate change and limited resources the METs represent a potential to provide unique and innovative solutions to these emerging challenges. The conference program promises to be very high quality and exciting as ever, but we need your input in shaping a successful conference. Follow our progression on Twitter and LinkedIn and have your say on the themes of the conference, suggest a keynote or two and get your papers ready for presentation at this leading international event in 2013.

The beauty of the region is stunning, the venue exceptional and the program will be outstanding. I look forward to welcoming you to Cairns in September 2013.

Prof Jurg Keller
Chair of the Local Organising Committee



Key Dates


3rd May 2013 Abstract submission for oral presentations
14th June 2013 Program release
5th July 2013 Earlybird registration closes
26th July 2013 Poster abstract deadline
16th August 2013 Standard registration closes




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关键词:Microbial Fuel Cell,Conference

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