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朱棣文。 这位曾经获得过诺贝尔奖的物理学家受命推动世界最大经济体及其能源行业的变革,以适应21世纪的需要。朱棣文曾在劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室工作4年时间,在这期间,他将该实验室重塑为替代能源研究的一个领先机构。担任能源部长后,他也不忘将该实验室在“曼哈顿项目”中所开创的战时精神移植过来。朱棣文说,如果美国要动员其科学与技术资源应对气候变化的话,那么它将需要在上个世纪40年代推动原子弹早期研究工作的那种紧迫感。Eric Hand在哥本哈根气候会议前就这个问题及美国政府的相关计划对朱棣文进行了采访。(Newsmaker of the Year p. 978)本期其他栏目(960页的“Research Highlights”和972页的“News Gallery 2009”)还有更多回顾过去一年的相关内容。

X-射线天文观测成果综述(Star performers)
The first decade of science with Chandra and XMM-Newton
过去十年,X-射线天文学家从现有两个在轨道上运行的X-射线天文观测装置获得大量成果,这两个装置分别是美国国家航空航天局的钱德拉和欧洲航天局的XMM-Newton。本期的一篇综述文章对它们所取得的成果进行了汇总。宇宙X-射线是以高能量产生的(比如说由中子星及黑洞周围的引力场和磁场产生),来自钱德拉和XMM-Newton的数据使得人们有可能对宇宙X-射线的能量进行精确测量,同时获得一些精彩图片。这篇综述文章也收录在“国际天文年”专题中,网址为go.nature.com/Z35PCw。(Review p. 997)

乳腺癌中的染色体重排(Breast cancer genomics)
Complex landscapes of somatic rearrangement in human breast cancer genomes
几十年前人们就知道很多肿瘤包含基因组重排,但对它们的原因和影响却知之甚少。现在,Stephens等人利用新的“paired-end”测序技术以高分辨率确定了人类乳腺癌中的染色体重排分布情况。他们发现的重排比以前识别出的更多,其中大部分是染色体内重排,而不是染色体间重排。顺接重复在一些乳腺癌中非常普遍,但在另一些中却基本没有,而且它们可能反映了一个新颖的“Mutator 表现型”。(Article p. 1005)

细菌DNA的转移机制(Bacterial DNA transfer)
Structure of the outer membrane complex of a type IV secretion system
DNA通过接合从一种细菌转移到另一种是细菌演化中的一个主要因素,并且作为抗生素抗性和毒性基因交换的一个机制也有实用意义。人体的多数致病细菌是革兰氏阴性的,在其中IV-型分泌体系调控这种DNA转移。该体系由三个蛋白组成,它们结合在一起,形成跨越内膜和外膜的一个核心。现在,一个IV-型分泌体系的外膜复合物的晶体结构已被确定。该复合物的大小为0.6兆道尔顿,它是结构已知的最大外膜复合物。它的结构显示了DNA穿过细菌细胞膜的机制,并为开发以IV-型分泌体系为作用目标来抑制抗生素抗性和毒性因子扩散的药物提供了一个步骤。(Article p. 1011; News & Views)

“蓝脱序星”的两个并列星序(Two shades of blue straggler)
Two distinct sequences of blue straggler stars in the globular cluster M 30 / A binary star fraction of 76 per cent and unusual orbit parameters for the blue stragglers of NGC 188
“蓝脱序星”是成团存在的大质量恒星,星团中所有恒星年龄基本上都一样,根据其亮度,它们本应演变成巨型恒星和白矮星。它们被认为是正常的主星序恒星,通过双星伴星之间的物质转移或两个恒星之间的直接碰撞和合并获得物质。对高度拥挤的星团M30所做的一项研究表明,在星团核心剧烈坍缩期间,这两个机制都在发挥作用。M30中的“蓝脱序星”有两个截然不同的并列星序:属于一个“较蓝”星序者来自恒星直接碰撞;属于一个“较红”星序者来自密近双星的演化。(Letter p. 1028)对在老的疏散星团NGC 188中的21颗“蓝脱序星”所做观测表明,16颗(76%)目前在双星体系中,这个频率是正常太阳类主星序恒星频率的三倍。NGC 188“蓝脱序星”中大多数的转动速度都比具有同样表面温度的主星序恒星快。(Letter p. 1032)在News & Views文章中,Melvyn Davies分析了这两项研究在“蓝脱序星”起源问题上给我们的启示。

“旅行者2号”传回的新数据(Voyager 2 in the field)
A strong, highly-tilted interstellar magnetic field near the Solar System
 “旅行者2号”探测器于2007年8月进入日鞘(目前该探测器正处在星际旅行阶段),即太阳系之外过了“太阳风终端激波”的区域。这里的磁场强度和方向在确定银河系气体云的演化中是重要因素,来自“旅行者2号”的一组新数据,为亚音速太阳风等离子流在日鞘中的偏转提供了首次原地测量结果。该区域星际介质中的场强大于以前的估计,为3.7 到 5.5微高斯。这个磁场与星际介质流的方向成20–30º角,与银河系的主平面(银道面)成约30º角。(Letter p. 1036)

单分子晶体管已成功实现(Towards single-molecule transistors)
Observation of molecular orbital gating
电子器件小型化的终极目标将是制成由单个分子组成的电路元件。过去,利用分子轨道能量的静电调制的单分子晶体管只是在理论上具有可能性。现在,Hyunwook Song及其同事报告,这样一种器件已成功变成现实。该成果是对这一概念的一种证明,它将使分子工程电子器件的实用前景更加光明。(Letter p. 1039; News & Views)

非火山型震动与断层剪切应力的关系(Parkfield tremors reach out)
Tremor-tide correlations and near-lithostatic pore pressure on the deep San Andreas fault
Amanda Thomas及其同事,在加州帕克菲尔德附近非火山型震动活动和与圣安德烈斯断层平行的极小的、由潮汐诱导的剪切应力之间发现了一个关联。非火山型震动是在一些大断层上周期性观测到的一种弱地震信号。Thomas等人提出,帕克菲尔德震动可能代表着在“近静岩孔隙压力”存在时应力达到临界状态的一个断层上所发生的剪切断裂。与在“卡斯卡底”和日本等消减带环境中的震动所具有的相似性表明,这些发现对于其他构造环境也可能是适用的。(Letter p. 1048)

气候变化速度快于物种迁移速度(A race against climate change)
The velocity of climate change
发生气候变化时,物种若要继续呆在具有相同平均温度的一个地区,它们就必须迁移:因此,它们的存活机会取决于它们跟气候迁移保持同步的能力以及温度和其他气候因素变化的程度。为了在具体环境中来说明物种所承受的这种压力,研究人员建立了设计用来对下一世纪气候变化进行量化的一个新指数。该指数值给出了维持温度不变所需的沿地球表面迁移的局部速度,是从以距离和时间为刻度的温度梯度(单位分别为ºC per km和ºC per year)得出的。这个指数对地形在缓冲气候变化对植物和动物影响方面所起作用做出了定量描述:在政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)的A1B排放情景中,该指数的全球平均值为0.42 公里/年,而其对山地森林生物群落和淹没草地两种环境的极端值分别为0.08 和1.26公里/年。结果表明,气候变化速度相对于物种迁移速度和受保护生境大小来说是比较大的。这些数据还表明,在一些生态系统中,通过生境走廊或新的保护区来帮助物种更快迁移,对保护工作可能会是一个重要贡献。(Letter p. 1052)

选择进行基因组测序之物种的方法(Choice genomes sequenced)
A phylogeny-driven genomic encyclopaedia of Bacteria and Archaea
迄今已被测序的细菌和古细菌基因组之所以被选择测序,主要是考虑到它们的生理问题。这种选择依据并没错,但却导致了明显的系统发育偏颇。在“细菌和古细菌基因组百科全书”(GEBA)项目中,研究人员采用了另一种方法,该方法主张根据生物的系统发育位置来选择基因组,其目的是填补在生命树的细菌和古细菌分支测序中所存在的空白。这一方法的价值已被一项示范研究的成果证实,即选择用来扩大系统发育覆盖面的56个可培育物种基因组序列的发布。对这些序列进行分析,可提供系统发育、蛋白功能和基因组注解等方面的信息。(Letter p. 1056)

节食增寿也许可不以降低生殖力为代价(A diet for life)
Amino-acid imbalance explains extension of lifespan by dietary restriction in Drosophila
在若干种生物中,限制饮食已被发现能延长寿命,但这是以降低生殖力为代价的。人们一般认为,这是竞争有限资源的一个例子,因为在这个过程中营养从生殖被重新分配到身体维持。现在,Grandison等人发现,对果蝇来说,限制饮食不会诱导营养重新分配,因为限制寿命和生殖力的是不同氨基酸。他们发现,长寿命果蝇的生殖力只需通过添加蛋氨酸就可得以挽救。因此,在没有饮食限制时,通过调整饮食中氨基酸的比例,长寿命和高生殖力就可以同时实现。这些发现意味着,人类也许能通过调整饮食营养成分来获得减少食物摄取量的好处,而不会产生副作用。(Letter p. 1061; News & Views)

检测超低浓度DNA的一个新方法(A hint of nucleic acid)
DNA nanomechanics allows direct digital detection of complementary DNA and microRNA targets
以非常低的浓度检测一个特定DNA序列的能力,在遗传研究及诊断工作等应用中非常有价值。目前最好的技术需要对样品进行放大和/或标记。在这项研究中,研究人员所采用的一个新方法能够避免这样的样品准备步骤。该方法利用的是杂合型DNA和RNA分子的一个独特机械性能,这种性能使它们能够充当一种内在的分子标签,从而在纯样品中能够实现渺摩尔(10-18 M)级的检测灵敏度。为了演示这种杂合方法在更偏向于生理研究方面的应用,研究人员用它来根据对肿瘤特异性微RNA的检测进行肿瘤分类。(Letter p. 1075)

Ageing: Diet and longevity in the balance pp989-990
Dietary restriction promotes longevity but impairs fecundity in many
organisms. When the amino acids in a diet are fine-tuned, however,
lifespan can be increased without loss of fecundity - at least in fruitflies.
Thomas Flatt

Applied physics: Bubbly but quiet pp990-991
An array of air bubbles in a rubber-like material can be made to block
the transmission of sound. This finding might help in the design of
soundproof walls for music rooms and urban apartments.
Edwin L. Thomas

Astrophysics: Stellar revival in old clusters pp991-992
Observations of star clusters in the Milky Way show that collisions
between stars as well as mass flow within binary systems can explain
how the peculiar family of blue straggler stars came to be born.
Melvyn B. Davies

Hangovers: Uncongenial congeners p992

Andrew Mitchinson

Structural biology: Translocation chamber's secrets pp992-994
DNA transfer across membranes is a fundamental life process. The
structure of part of a protein channel that performs this task offers
insight into the mechanism of DNA passage through bacterial cell envelopes.
Peter J. Christie

50 & 100 years ago p994

Nanotechnology: Molecular transistors scrutinized pp994-995
Transistors have been made from single molecules, where the flow of
electrons is controlled by modulating the energy of the molecular
orbitals. Insight from such systems could aid the development of
future electronic devices.
James Kushmerick

Word of the Year p995

Obituary: Vitaly Ginzburg (1916-2009) p996
Nobel-prizewinning success in physics achieved in the Soviet system.
Malcolm Longair

The first decade of science with Chandra and XMM-Newton pp997-1004
Maria Santos-Lleo et al.
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08690.html

Complex landscapes of somatic rearrangement in human breast cancer genomes pp1005-1010
Multiple somatic rearrangements are often found in cancer genomes, but
the underlying processes of rearrangement and the effects of this are
unclear. A paired-end sequencing strategy is now used to map somatic
rearrangements in human breast cancer genomes. More rearrangements in
some breast cancers are found than previously recognized, including
frequent tandem duplications that may reflect a specific defect in DNA maintenance.
Philip J. Stephens et al.
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08645.html

Structure of the outer membrane complex of a type IV secretion system pp1011-1015
Type IV secretion systems span the two membranes of Gram-negative bacteria,
with three proteins -- VirB7, VirB9 and VirB10 - assembled into a 1.05
megadalton core spanning the inner and outer membranes. Here, the crystal
structure of an outer-membrane complex is presented. The structure is the
largest determined for an outer-membrane channel and is unprecedented in
being composed of three proteins.
Vidya Chandran et al.
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08588.html

The chromatin remodeller ACF acts as a dimeric motor to space nucleosomes
The ATP-dependent chromatin assembly factor (ACF) generates and maintains
nucleosome spacing by constantly moving a nucleosome towards the longer
flanking DNA faster than the shorter flanking DNA. But how the enzyme moves
back and forth between both sides of a nucleosome to accomplish bidirectional
movement is unknown. Nucleosome movement is now shown to depend cooperatively
on two ACF molecules, indicating that ACF functions as a dimer of ATPases.
Lisa R. Racki et al.
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08621.html

Dynamics of nucleosome remodelling by individual ACF complexes pp1022-1027
The ATP-dependent chromatin assembly factor (ACF) generates regularly spaced
nucleosomes, but the mechanism by which ACF mobilizes nucleosomes remains
poorly understood. Here, single-molecule FRET is used to monitor the remodelling
of individual nucleosomes by ACF in real time; the study reveals previously
unknown remodelling intermediates and dynamics, and indicates that ACF is a
highly processive and bidirectional nucleosome translocase.
Timothy R. Blosser et al.
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08627.html

Two distinct sequences of blue straggler stars in the globular cluster
M[thinsp]30 pp1028-1031
'Blue straggler' stars lie on or near the main sequence of star clusters
and are sufficiently massive that they should have evolved into white dwarfs
long ago. Two possible mechanisms have been proposed for their formation: mass
transfer between binary companions and stellar mergers resulting from direct
collisions between two stars. Here, two distinct parallel sequences of blue
stragglers are reported in the globular cluster M 30, one arising from the
evolution of close binaries, the other from direct collisions.
F. R. Ferraro et al.
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08607.html

A binary star fraction of 76 per cent and unusual orbit parameters for the blue
stragglers of NGC[thinsp]188 pp1032-1035
'Blue straggler' stars lie on or near the main sequence of star clusters and
are sufficiently massive that they should have evolved into white dwarfs long
ago. Statistical evidence indicates that in globular star clusters the blue
stragglers probably form from binary stars. Here, 76 per cent of the blue
stragglers in the open cluster NGC 188 are found to be currently in binary
systems, a three times higher frequency than that among normal solar-type main-sequence stars.
Robert D. Mathieu and Aaron M. Geller
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08568.html

A strong, highly-tilted interstellar magnetic field near the Solar System
Although magnetic fields have an important role in the evolution of gas
clouds in the Galaxy, the strength and orientation of the field in the
interstellar medium near the heliosphere has been poorly constrained, with
previous estimates varying widely and based on indirect observational
inferences or modelling. Measurements of the deflection of the solar wind
plasma flows in the heliosheath are now used to determine the magnetic
field strength and orientation in the interstellar medium.
M. Opher et al.
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08567.html

Observation of molecular orbital gating pp1039-1043
A longstanding aim in molecular-scale electronics is to create a true
transistor analogue in which charge transport through a molecule is directly
controlled by external modulation of the molecular orbitals. The observation
of such a solid-state molecular device is now reported. The data demonstrate
that true molecular transistors can be created, and clear the way for
molecularly engineered electronic devices.
Hyunwook Song et al.
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08639.html

Glaciers as a source of ancient and labile organic matter to the marine
environment pp1044-1047
Coastal ecosystems are sensitive to changes in the quantity and lability
of terrigenous dissolved organic matter (DOM) delivered by rivers. The
lability of DOM is thought to decrease with age, but this view stems from
work in watersheds where terrestrial plant and soil sources dominate
streamwater DOM. Here, glaciated watersheds on the Gulf of Alaska are
shown to be a source of old but labile dissolved organic matter, suggesting
that glacial runoff is an important source of labile reduced carbon to marine ecosystems.
Eran Hood et al.
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08580.html

Tremor-tide correlations and near-lithostatic pore pressure on the deep San
Andreas fault pp1048-1051
Non-volcanic tremor was discovered nearly a decade ago; however, a thorough
explanation of the geologic process responsible for tremor generation has yet
to be determined. A robust correlation is now identified between extremely small,
tidally induced shear stress parallel to the San Andreas fault and non-volcanic
tremor activity near Parkfield, California. Such tremor may represent shear
failure on a critically stressed fault in the presence of near-lithostatic pore pressure.
Amanda M. Thomas, Robert M. Nadeau and Roland Burgmann
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08654.html

The velocity of climate change pp1052-1055
As the climate changes, species will have to move if they are to remain in an
area with the same average temperature. Here, this required movement - termed
the velocity of temperature change - is quantified. The results indicate
management strategies for minimizing biodiversity loss from climate change
and suggest that montane landscapes may effectively shelter many species into
the next century.
Scott R. Loarie et al.
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08649.html

A phylogeny-driven genomic encyclopaedia of Bacteria and Archaea pp1056-1060
There are now nearly 1,000 completed bacterial and archaeal genomes available,
but as most of them were chosen for sequencing on the basis of their physiology,
the data are limited by a highly biased phylogenetic distribution. To explore the
value added by choosing microbial genomes for sequencing on the basis of their
evolutionary relationships, the genomes of 56 species of Bacteria and Archaea
selected to maximize phylogenetic coverage are now sequenced and analysed.
Dongying Wu et al.
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08656.html

Amino-acid imbalance explains extension of lifespan by dietary restriction in
Drosophila pp1061-1064
Dietary restriction extends healthy lifespan in diverse organisms but reduces
fecundity; this is thought to be because of an adaptive reallocation of nutrients
from reproduction to somatic maintenance. Here, the nutrients producing the
responses of lifespan and fecundity to dietary restriction in Drosophila are
identified. Adding essential amino acids to the dietary restriction condition
increased fecundity and decreased lifespan; furthermore, addition of methionine
alone rescued fecundity.
Richard C. Grandison, Matthew D. W. Piper and Linda Partridge
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08619.html

Secreted semaphorins control spine distribution and morphogenesis in the postnatal
CNS pp1065-1069
Dendritic spines carry the majority of excitatory synapses, and spine morphology
and distribution are critical for synaptic transmission, synaptic integration and plasticity. Here, signalling by the secreted semaphorin Sema3F is shown to control spine distribution along select dendritic processes, and distinct secreted semaphorin signalling events orchestrate CNS connectivity through the differential control of a variety of processes.
Tracy S. Tran et al.
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08628.html

Novel mutant-selective EGFR kinase inhibitors against EGFR T790M pp1070-1074
Non-small-cell lung cancers with activating mutations in the epidermal growth
factor receptor (EGFR) often show a clinical response to EGFR kinase inhibitors
but tend to develop drug-resistance mutations, including the gatekeeper T790M
mutation. Here, a new class of EGFR inhibitors is developed; these agents are
30- to 100-fold more potent against EGFR with the T790M mutation, and up to
100-fold less potent against wild-type EGFR, than current EGFR inhibitors.
Wenjun Zhou et al.
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08622.html

DNA nanomechanics allows direct digital detection of complementary DNA and
microRNA targets pp1075-1078
Over the past decade, several techniques have been developed to improve the
detection of small amounts of DNA and RNA molecules, but detection of DNA
molecules at concentrations below the femtomolar level requires amplified
detection schemes. A unique nanomechanical response of hybridized DNA and RNA
molecules that serves as an intrinsic molecular label is now reported;
nanomechanical measurements allow direct detection and counting of hybridized molecules.
Sudhir Husale, Henrik H. J. Persson and Ozgur Sahin
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08626.html

Rational design of a structural and functional nitric oxide reductase pp1079-1082
Despite the progress that has been made in designing proteins that mimic native
proteins structurally, it is difficult to design functional proteins and
particularly challenging to design metalloproteins that reproduce both the
structure and function of native metalloenzymes. Here, the successful, rational
design of a structural and functional model of a metalloprotein - nitric oxide
reductase - is achieved.
Natasha Yeung et al.
Article: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7276/full/nature08620.html

Divine diseases p1088
An act of faith.
Ian Watson


《Nature》目录要览 — 2011-04-28出版

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