国外博士后 - Marine Microbial Ecology PostDoc in KAUST

时间:2011-09-22  阅读:    我要评论:

国外博士后 - Marine Microbial Ecology PostDoc in KAUST

The Marine Microbial Ecology lab in the Red Sea Research Center at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology www.kaust.edu.sa) is accepting applications for three postdoctoral positions. 
We are looking for broadly trained microbiologists with a (1) focus on anaerobic cultivation and physiology, genome analysis of extremophiles (especially halophiles), and bioinformatics; (2) cultivation and physiology of pelagic oligotrophic marine bacteria; and (3)bioinformatics and genome analysis of pure cultures, microbial communities, and amplified single-cell genomes. 
Successful candidates will join a highly collaborative team together with microbial ecologists, microbiologists, biochemists, chemists, computational bio-scientists, and pharmacologists. One position is open immediately (extremophiles); two additional positions will open early 2012. 
KAUST offers a very competitive salary, free housing, state-of-the-art facilities, and a very international campus at the shores of the Red Sea. 
For further information and applications, please contact Uli Stingl at: uli.stingl@kaust.edu.sa



Postdoc positions at the University of Alberta
Biologist Postdoctoral Fellow in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Postdoc in Environmental Radiochemistry in Clemson University
Post-Doctoral Position in Colloid and/or Reactive Transport Modeling in Western University
关键词:国外博士后,Marine Microbial Ecology,PostDoc,KAUST

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